Launch of early years program

Posted on October 3, 2024October 3, 2024Categories blogs  Leave a comment on Launch of early years program

We have launched an early years program targeting children aged 0-3 years across five sub-counties in Uasin Gishu county.

Launch of early years program

Provision of quality childcare services plays a critical role in the early development and well-being of children. On this backdrop, we have launched an early years program targeting children aged 0-3 years across five sub-counties in Uasin Gishu county. The program is aimed at empowering caregivers of these children with knowledge on the nurturing care framework components including responsive care-giving, adequate nutrition, good health, safety and security and opportunities for early learning.

We have conducted a comprehensive needs assessment and baseline study of childcare providers in the sub-counties with aim of understanding the current state of childcare services they provide. EERUI’s Main focus was on the quality of the childcare service, and identifying capacity-building gaps and develop strategies for improving the quality of the care for a better early developmental outcomes of children.

Launch of early years program in pictures.

National Treeplanting Day Action

Posted on November 14, 2023November 14, 2023Categories blogs  Leave a comment on National Treeplanting Day Action

National Tree planting Day Action

13 November 2023

On 13th November 2023, in company of Mwanzo area administration, the youth, Eldoret secondary school and People living with disabilities from Mwanzo community, we engaged in an interactive workshops of environmental conservation and tree planting sessions. We created sense of urgency in compacting climate change among all those groups as well as discussing some of the sustainable lifestyles that we can adopt as youth.

Area administrator on her remarks, urged the youth to keep on planting trees as one way of keeping themselves busy during the holiday and also to offset carbon footprints from the atmosphere.

Eerui in partnership with We4All has vowed to continue holding environmental conservation workshops and tree planting activities to different communities targeting the youth throughout this month, and take the advantage of the ongoing rains for the survival of the trees.

Mwanzo community has received well the Kenyan declaration of 13th November as National tree planting day and they are grateful to #we4all for facilitating the exercise.

Event Organizers

Mashujaa Day Environmental Action

Posted on October 23, 2023October 23, 2023Categories blogs  Leave a comment on Mashujaa Day Environmental Action

Mashujaa Day Environmental Action


We’ve spend the better part of Mashujaa holiday celebrating the day with our we4all/EERUi environmental clubs (Kapsaos secondary schools, Merrylane Center Schools, Kapkoros primary school) by cleaning our estates.

Learners used this opportunity to educate their community on the importance of Environmental conservation and how to change their behavior to fight climate change. Together with our partners we’ve decided to be doing the same regularly to make sure that all population adopt sustainable ways of waste disposal.

Large amounts of trash and garbage, plastics, and other wastes can become breeding grounds for hazardous insects, cause pollution, and create unsanitary conditions that encourage the development of health problems and diseases. Such an environment also makes it difficult for children to find a safe place to play, and increases stress for everyone who lives in it. Cleaning it up provides a real and immediate health benefits to neighborhood residents, as well as helping them think about the possibility of neighborhood wellness.

Our Partners

We thank our partner We4All for supporting us through these activities as well as Old Uganda Road Enterprises for volunteering to help us dispose the collected waste properly.

Healing the earth, one tree at a time

Posted on July 24, 2023October 3, 2024Categories blogs  Leave a comment on Healing the earth, one tree at a time

Healing the earth, one tree at a time

In April 2023, EERUI in collaboration with We4All embarked on an ambitious program of planting trees and creating awareness on sustainable development to learners and educators in schools and communities. The three-month project had two main deliverables: Instilling a sense of responsibility and global awareness in students under the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) campaign and planting trees in schools under the Trees for Schools campaign.

ESD aims to empower learners to resolve global challenges through transformative action. It focuses on promoting environmental integrity, economic viability, cultural diversity, and a just society. Climate change, being one of the greatest challenges of this generation, was at the centre of the ESD activities that we conducted in the schools. Students were made aware of the devastating effects of climate change to humanity and the planet and the greater risk posed to them by the continued inaction. The learners were also enlightened on several sustainable practices such as embracing the concept of reusing and recycling, responsible consumption and proper disposal of harmful waste. Values of empathy, critical thinking and responsibility were also instilled to the learners through various fun activities.

Under the Trees for Schools campaign, learners were enlightened about the importance of taking practical action in reversing the climate change trend by planting trees in their schools. They were encouraged to apply the values of empathy and responsibility by planting trees as a way of healing the earth and ‘seeking forgiveness’ from the planet on their behalf and on behalf of the past generations for the transgressions committed to the planet over time. The learners took control of the planting process as well as maintenance. The tree planting activity was also extended to the neighbouring community where we identified spaces within the community and engaged the community members in the tree planting exercise. 

The project lasted for three months and exceeded our expectations. We planted a total of 2,040 trees in five schools and two community spaces against our initial plan of 2,000 trees. Moreover, the project created a renewed sense of urgency among the learners and the community regarding climate action. The students not only connected with real-life issues but also fostered a sense of responsibility toward the environment and became role models to their peers. Schools were also inspired to take eco-friendly measures and nurture a generation of conscious global citizens, thereby playing a vital role in transforming the world, one step at a time, one tree at a time.