Launch of early years program

Provision of quality childcare services plays a critical role in the early development and well-being of children. On this backdrop, we have launched an early years program targeting children aged 0-3 years across five sub-counties in Uasin Gishu county. The program is aimed at empowering caregivers of these children with knowledge on the nurturing care framework components including responsive care-giving, adequate nutrition, good health, safety and security and opportunities for early learning.

We have conducted a comprehensive needs assessment and baseline study of childcare providers in the sub-counties with aim of understanding the current state of childcare services they provide. EERUI’s Main focus was on the quality of the childcare service, and identifying capacity-building gaps and develop strategies for improving the quality of the care for a better early developmental outcomes of children.

Launch of early years program in pictures.

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EERU Initiative is a grassroots, volunteer driven initiative that improves access to quality education for children in rural and urban slums most of whom have largely been left behind in education.

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